YES! We are changing...but we promise it is all for the good! We have received emails and DMs asking if we are merging @boobiewed with @tatatuesday. Rob, the gentleman heading @tatatuesday, reached out to us and offered his help and assistance. For that, we are very grateful. He has purchased the domains for boobiewed/boobiewednesday and is in the process of gifting them to us. We are extremely grateful for his contributions. However, we want it to be known that @boobiewed and @tatatuesday are still two separate entities that are advocating the same cause. We are raising BREAST CANCER AWARENESS, reminding everyone to SELF EXAM. And for those of you whom are not familiar with @tatatuesday, we do encourage you to research them as well as @kokolulu, which is their charity of choice.

There has also been mention of @tatatuesday retweeting many of the #boobiewed posts from several people. We understand your concerns and want to address them. The concern being that tweets which include the boobiewed/boobiewednesday hashtag (#boobiewed) are being retweeted by @tatatuesday. Some of these retweets have been described as "being RT for a mere mention of #boobiewed and are not relevant #boobiewed" or "part of a conversation and taken out of context." We understand and respect your opinions. However, we are confident in saying, that @tatatuesday is just doing what many of us do--Retweeting to spread the word of #boobiewed!

Thank you for all of your support and participation. Boobie Wednesday would be nothing without all of you!
Thanks for the clarity! I look forward to landing on your new URL and I'm glad that Boobie Wednesday will keep its beautiful style and art direction which I love.
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