Here at Boobie Wednesday, our mission is quite simple. We want to help spread breast cancer awareness to as many people as we can reach! It's been proven time and again, that early detection is our best defense against breast cancer, which is why we choose to advocate self exams and breast health!
We also acknowledge that we have such a fantastic following at @boobiewed and we appreciate everyone of you! We would LOVE to help network a huge support group for YOU, our followers.
We are reaching out today toward our fighters & survivors! Are you or do you know someone who's currently fighting breast cancer? Are you or do you know a survivor? Ever wish you had someone who's "been there, done that" to talk to, cry with, or laugh with? Sometimes, it's just a simple direct message on twitter, a text, an email, phone call or personal card that makes the hugest difference in someone's day. Just knowing that there is somewhere out there who "gets it" and is not afraid to walk with them, makes the unbearable journey seem more bearable.
We would love to help build a support network such as that for you!!!
There are 2 ways to make this list.
*comment on this post with your twitter name and/or email addie and let us know if you are a fighter or survivor.
*send out a tweet simply stating #FightingBreastCancer or #SurvivingBreastCancer. If tweeting, please remember to include #boobiewed so we can easily find your tweets. We'll add you to our list.
It's that simple.
We also want to acknowledge that there are those who are open to supporting our fighters & survivors. Maybe they haven't been through the fight personally, but have a loved one whom they've supported. We'd love to list you, too! Drop a comment or throw a #SupportingaBCFighter or #SupportingaBCSurvivor tweet out there. Please don't forget to tag #boobiewed as well.
Thank you to all of our supporters! We couldn't do this without you!
Count me in on ALL of the above~ dearest #BoobieWed Ladies.
My name is Tess Martin-Fox aka @girlzoo on twitter. i can be reached at tessfox13@gmail.com if anyone ever wants to write to me discreetly. i always respond.
I am in my 4th year of surviving double breast cancer. Having learned a lot during my trial by fire, I'd be honored to pass on any tips or helpful hints to anyone who is searching.
#BoobieWed does me proud.
We ❤ you!
i'm #SupportingaBCSurvivor and alot of them :) honestly i have 2 aunts who are survivors...collectively for 25 yrs. how awesome is that?!
one of the biggest reasons i chose to advocate for boobiewednesday is their survival.
I googled breast cancer awareness and found your blog. My mom had breast cancer in her thirties and is now 55 and has been cancer free for many years. We were even blessed with my littler sister shortly there after her battle.
Because Breast Cancer has touched my life as well as many other friends/families, I wanted to share that Scentsy Wickless Candles has come out with a Love Life Hope Breast Cancer Awareness warmer and proceeds to go the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Here is a link to a photo
I want to spread awareness while helping another foundation raise money and what better than being able to have a safe wickless candle in return. Warmer is available September 1st, email me or check out my website (https://hneuweg.scentsy.us) for more information and lets help spread more PINK AWARENESS!
I wish you and many others well and will keep you all in my thoughts!
Thanx Heather, it is possible to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer by knowing about what puts you at breast cancer risk. For this reason, it is important to know what factors can increase or decrease breast cancer risk and how much those factors change your risk.
Yay-4-boobs, dude! God bless you with discernment.
great post..
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