Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The battle for boobies

There are so many great and wonderful organizations out there dedicated to curing and raising awareness of breast cancer, and they offer so much information, and support for patients and families.

Just a few sites you might want to check out include

And 2 sites you have to check out are
The Breast Cancer Site Where you can click once a day to give free mammograms.
The Pink Ribbon Shop Where you can but a whole bunch of cute pink ribbon merchandise and support some great causes while you're at it.

And just to make your day, here's the Pink Glove Dance ;)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our friendly reminder..

"Your mammogram is suspicious for breast cancer." "Your biopsy was positive for breast cancer." These are among the most terrifying words a woman can hear from her doctor. Breast cancer elicits so many fears, including those relating to surgery, death, loss of body image and loss of sexuality. Managing these fears can be facilitated by information and knowledge so that each woman can make the best decisions concerning her care.

Optimally, these issues are best discussed with the patient's doctor on an individual basis.

Male breast cancer does occur and accounts for about 1% of all cancer deaths in men.

Please remember, Once a month do your Breast self exam. It doesnt take long, and that few minutes can save your life. Practice on your partner and remind the ones you love that they should self exam as well. It only takes One reminder to catch a lump and save a life.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Duo becomes a Trio

Introducing our new Boobie Wednesday team member - @allconsoffun! This super awesome woman has volunteered to help us out and we love her so much for it! Make sure you follow her on twitter and give her a big welcome.

We love you chick!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Your Early Detection Plan

First off let me apologize for the lack of Boobie Wednesday-ness last week. For a number of reasons I was unable to be here. But don't worry, I'm back! and more than that, I'm back with a brand-spanking-new blog post for you ;)

So I was cruising around the NBCF website, trying to gain some inspiration, and I happened to stumble across the Early Detection Plan.

Basically with the early detection plan, you enter your info, whether there is a family history of breast cancer or not, and they will create a calendar for you.

You can choose to receive your BSE reminders via email, text, IM, or you can have it emailed to you as a calender event. No matter how you have your reminder sent to you, I recommend you choose the print out option which will require you to download a PDF. The printout will look like this:

This will quick a quick breakdown of how to do your BSE. It's very helpful if you're not exactly sure how do your self exam.

I signed myself up for the plan, and I'm glad that there's one less thing I have to remember to do now. Do yourself a favor and sign yourself up too.

And that's your blog for this week ladies and gents!